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Welcome to Library Services for Incarcerated Youth
In order to initiate a Nationwide discussion, all school, public, academic, and special librarians who provide or support the provision of library services to incarcerated youth are invited to our wiki. We are beginning our project and have a ton of great ideas!
All across America, youth are incarcerated or detained with little or no access to high-interest, culturally relevant library materials or engaging programming. Research has shown that free and independent reading is the number one tool to improve literacy. Literacy is a vital component to reducing recidivism as well as of utmost importance in a democratic society and breaking the devastating cycle of intergenerational poverty. Appropriate library services and programs to incarcerated youth are vital to providing and improving detention based services. Because youth come from and will return to all communities, library services to incarcerated youth is vital to all communities. According to the OJJDP website, in 2007 courts with juvenile jurisdiction disposed more than 1.70 million delinquency cases.
The purpose of the wiki is to share best practices in library programming and services to incarcerated youth amongst those providing those services, to share best practices with those seeking to deliver library services to incarcerated youth in their communities, and to encourage librarians in all communities to promote, support and provide outreach of the highest quality to incarcerated youth in their communities.
This is an interactive wiki. You can add, edit, delete, etc. (Just think about it before you do it)!
Want to meet others serving incarcerated youth? Come to a meetup!
Thanks to everyone who attended our virtual meeting (1-3pm central time on 11 January 2012)! , We discussed a number of items related to the newly formed ASCLA-Interest Group: Library Services for Incarcerated Youth. Click here for more details & minutes.
WATCH this space for UPDATES to time, place and VENUE. Have a convention coming up and want to plan a meetup? Add yours here!
See who came to the ALA-NOLA meetup here: visit the meetup page and add your contact info!
Note: the ASCLA Interest Group: Library Services for Incarcerated Youth has been formed! We are currently still using Lockdown as our primary vehicle for discussion and the Wiki as the repository of knowledge. The group will be discussing ALA Connect as one of the possible options for collaboration in the future, but in the meantime, all discussion will happen on Lockdown and this Wiki.
If you don't already belong to the YALSA-lockdown listserv, subscribe and join our discussion:
You may also be interested in joining prison-l, the Library Services to Prisoners listserv:
Links to our major pages are in the SIDEBAR on the right, and are also listed below. You can always return to this page by clicking libraryservicestoincarceratedyouth in the grey ribbon at the top of every page.
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Comments (2) said
at 5:42 am on Mar 30, 2011
I'll see y'all Saturday night at Redfish. Is this in the bar or for dinner?
devona.carpenter@... said
at 7:33 am on Mar 30, 2011
I made a dinner reservation for 20. So if you could order food or split an appetizer that would be great.These folks have been very accommodating.
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