Virtual Meeting January 2012
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last edited
by Camden Tadhg 12 years, 6 months ago
This page has been moved to the LSYC website here (3/1/12)
We met virtually from 1-3pm (central) on 11 January 2012 to discuss our newly formed ASCLA Interest Group: Library Services for Incarcerated Youth, using ASCLA's account on GoToMeeting. To schedule a meeting, contact Andrea Hill @
ASCLA 11 January 2012, 1-3pm Central Time
1-1:15pm : Discuss Name of group – led by Devo Carpenter
- Results of voting on name:
- #1 Library Services to/for Incarcerated & Detained Youth (LSIDY, pron liss-id-ee)
- #2 Libraries and Juvenile Justice (LJJ)
- Continued discussion about plusses and minuses for each side.
- Proponents for LSIDY felt it better conveyed the purpose of the group, was more standardized, sounded less political, and would be easier to sell to those we might be advocating to.
- Proponents for LJJ felt that it reflected newer trends in services, capturing the group’s mission better, and staying inclusive to marginalized youth throughout the continuum of service, and that it focused on the positive outcomes of library services, rather than on what was done to the youth we work with (incarceration or detainment).
- After discussion a re-vote was taken: 9 for LSIDY, 3 for LJJ, 2 abstaining.
- Follow up note: After discovering that the Adult prisoner interest group had a name virtually identical to ours, and investigating some corrections-industry naming options, Amy came up with another option: Library Services for Youth in Custody (LS4YC). A vote will be taken on this in early February and will be posted to the Lockdown listserv.
1:15-1:30pm: Website Preview – Led by Camden Tadhg
- Camden walked us through the new (drupal) website, www.youthlibraries.org
- Current info includes:
- Directory
- List of all facilities by state (please add yours if you don’t see it!). Note: this lists all facilities, not just those who have libraries.
- Staff Directory (only available to registered users who are logged in). Shows a list of all those with a site login.
- Book Lists
- Will be added to over time, contains just a few placeholder items at this point
- Discussions
- Will contain threaded discussions, message-board style
- Resources
- Blog Feed
- A list of recent posts on related blogs… list needs more blogs at present
- Get in touch with Camden at Tadhg_c@cde.state.co.us if you…
- Want to contribute or add/edit information to the new website
- Want to help migrate stuff over from the wiki.
- Want to get a login / training on working with the site.
- Have suggestions for changes/modifications.
1:30-1:35pm: Status of the wiki -- Led by Amy Cheney
- Wiki will remain active, but content will be moved over to the website and users will be redirected to the new site.
1:35-1:40pm Robbie Reasoner – Webinars
- Robbie says that our webinar series is in the works.
- Webinar Number 1 (Library Services for Incarcerated Youth 101) has been accepted and we are waiting on confirmation on the rest of the series.
- Kathleen and Amy will be doing webinar number 1 on March 13th.
- All webinars WILL be archived and available for watching after the air date
1:40-1:45pm: Discuss formation of taskforce for revising standards -- Led by Kathleen Houlihan
- Kathleen discussed the need for revising the library standards for Juvenile Correctional Facilities (see PDF of 1999 version here).
- Volunteers to serve on this taskforce: Camden, Jennifer, Barbara
- If you are interested in helping revise the standards, please get in touch with Kathleen at Kathleen.houlihan@austintexas.gov
1:45-2pm: Presentations at conferences, including tours of local facilities – general discussion
- Upcoming Conferences & Presentations (please add yours!):
- ALA Midwinter 2012: Dallas, TX (January 20-23): Jeannie is presenting (name of session needed)
- PLA 2012: Philadelphia, PA (March 13-17)
- ALA 2012: Anaheim, CA (June 21-26)
- Amy, Angela & Kathleen will be presenting on Services for At-Risk Youth (YALSA)
- Kathleen will organize a meeting for this interest group during that conference.
- Kathleen will also organize a happy hour for the group during the conference. If you’d like to help, please get in touch (see above)
- ALA Midwinter 2013:Seattle, WA (Jan 25-29)
- ALA Annual 2013: Chicago, IL (jun 27-July 2)
- ALA Midwinter 2014:Philadelphia, PA (Jan 24-28)
- PLA 2014: Indianapolis, Ind (March 11-15)
- ALA Annual 2014: Las Vegas, NV (June 26-July1)
- Tours of local juvenile corrections facilities (ideally w/library) at Conferences
- Amy C. is organizing a tour of a facility near Anaheim for ALA 2012, Monday, June 25, 12p-5p timeframe
- Megan & Amy are both interested in organizing a tour of a facility library for ALA 2013 in Chicago
- If you reside in or near a city that will be hosting an upcoming ALA or PLA conference and are interested in organizing a tour, please post a message to the listserv to gauge interest and then investigate what permissions / forms will need to be obtained for visitors to the facility and what date to hold the tour.
2-2:15: Advocacy through publication (books, articles, blogs) -- general discussion
- Recently Published and Forthcoming
- Sweeney, J. Literacy: A way out for At Risk Youth. Libraries Unlimited (December 19, 2011)
- Craig, Angela. Serving At-Risk Teens: Proven Strategies and Programs for Bridging the Gap. Neal-Schuman Publishers (November 30, 2012)
- LMC article about Collection Development Policies in Juvenile Detention Facilities by (didn’t catch name…please add!)
- SLJ article by Amy Cheney re: Self-Published authors, particularly memoirs by those overcoming hardships
- YALSA Research Journal Article about (didn’t catch topic, please add!) by Jeannie from Champagne, IL
- Do you have an article or book being published? Add yours to the list!
2:15-2:30: Collection development resources for this population -- Led by Jessica & Jeanie (?)
- Discussion about selection tools, how they are used, and criteria for selection and how these vary from facility to facility. Amy is interested in documenting these criteria. Please send your criteria for what types of materials are/are not allowed in your facility to her. For example, some facilities prohibit the display of extensive cleavage in graphic novels, or the extensive description of sexual activities. What does your facility allow? Email Amy at ajcheney@mac.com or add yours to the list on the wiki (can be anonymous). Knowing these criteria will help us provide a detailed review that will help you know (for certain) whether a book is appropriate for your facility before you open it.
- Amy is proposing a new column to SLJ that would focus on books of interest to marginalized youth. Kathleen proposed the title “In the Margins” for this column. The column would be a feature that highlighted one or two books that are popular with marginalized youth. The column would be co-written by a group of reviewers who would also award a prize every year for the best contribution for marginalized youth (see below). If you are interested in serving on this committee, please contact Amy (see above).
2:30-2:45: Award / Reading List for books of interest to Incarcerated Youth -- Led by Amy
- New committee, will probably coordinate with ASCLA or YALSA, with a focus on highlighting works of interest to marginalized youth. Criteria for selection is yet to be determined, but will almost certainly include some adult titles that have special resonance with this population.
- If you are interested in serving as a reviewer-member of this award committee, please contact Amy (see above)
- Reading list would enable librarians serving incarcerated youth to share the work load amongst other librarians seeking similar materials (and with similar restrictions). Titles on these lists would include extensive tagging/flagging to indicate when they might contain content that would be prohibited in some facilities (images of guns, gang signs, nudity, profanity, etc).
2:45-3pm: State of services / member share -- general discussion
Virtual Meeting January 2012
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